Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Free Audio Software!

Audio editing software can be incredibly expensive. For example, ProTools is one of the higher quality audio softwares available...but it costs a good bit to learn how to use it properly, then it costs a lot to buy and install the actual program (on a mac, which is in no way the cheapest of computers), and finally, you have to buy a 'key' (a small registered USB) that has to be plugged in to your machine to let it know that your name has been paid for and you are a registered user of the ProTools Program.

To be fair, for all the hassle ProTools updates constantly and produces some fantastic results.

But when it comes to being a musician who's just starting out, you've got to look at your options: buy an exorbitantly priced recording program or eat something other than Ramen for two years.

The good news is that there are a number of good sound editing programs out there that are either free or cheaply priced. I'm going to list just a few that have had excellent user reviews.







The last lovely thing to note is that after you've made yourself several singles and demos and EPs and started to garner an audience, you can pick the couple of tracks that are doing the best and go buy time in a studio!

The studio has the recording quality you need, and you have mixers and professional producers who will (should) leave you with a much better overall quality track that you would have had if you tried to mix your music is a program like ProTools yourself.

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