Thursday, June 5, 2014

Welcome to The Millennial Musician


Let's take a second to talk about music and change. More specifically, let's take a second to talk about music, change, and you.

Music is one of those indelible facets of humanity; it has been a staple of every culture on the planet, and it will be around until the human races loses the need for expression.

The music industry, on the other hand, is constantly in flux. We hear testimonies of conflict, missed opportunities, broke record companies, and burnt-out artists who finally gave in and got a "real job". 

As with all art-based disciplines, the musician's ability to create does not immediately beget paying fans, country-wide tour deals, or even well-deserved recognition. 

Amidst the wails of woe and tales of sleeping in a bus by the highway, though, we see many, many successful artists working their way down the middle road. 

I'm not talking about Ed Sheeran-style success, or even Macklemore's fight to the top.

 I'm talking about the musician living immersed in music, who imitates, then creates, and has worked a second job on the side to keep going. Maybe it's a dual-style career, but, however it's managed, it's music, and it's life.

I'm here to help you along as best I can. 
It's tough to figure out the music industry's business models when they're so different day-by-day.When you look at how quickly technology is morphing, at how the media adapts by the second, at the pace of our new world, it's easy to see that you have two choices: ride the change or be buried beneath it. I always prefer to thrive on change, and I'm happy to share what I learn with you.

If you want your music to be anything more than a love you keep to yourself, you have to ride the change. Just by breathing and logging on the 'The Great Interwebs', you are the change. You've been born during this incredible period of 'DIY', Reddit, and nearly infinite social-media-based networking capabilities.

So OWN it.


  1. I have always been a very musically person, excited to see what you'll have to say!

  2. I think what your blog needs is pictures or videos. I like the information you put, but it's long and there is nothing to keep my attention. Just a thought!

  3. This is an interesting blog concept. Musicians seem to face an uphill battle when it comes to receiving exposure and breaking out. I would like to hear more about the various ideas and steps that musicians can take to become successful.

  4. Is this one of the blogs that have changed? There is only one post so far. I like the beginning of this, but I hope to see more posts and see where you are going with this.
